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Back when I first started doing guitar videos on YouTube, I was bright-eyed and bushy-tailed and the world was a different place. Growing a channel and living in the world generally was much easier. Now, remaining monetized on Big Tech platforms has become a balancing act and a monkey dance, and it’s not one I’m always prepared to lower myself to perform. That is why it’s important to branch out into these alt-tech spaces and take advantage of what they have to offer a community like ours that lives on the edges of what’s deemed appropriate by the increasingly woke crazies who run everything. I want us to be able to speak without pulling punches and enjoy the promise of a FREE SPEECH INTERNET as it once existed not all that long ago. It’s time to reclaim the freedom that could be ours again. We should not have to rely on evil corporations we hate like Google or YouTube. Let’s try a different way.

Community Guidelines

Don’t be a troll or a complete nuisance, and don’t do anything illegal. That’s it. Other than that, have fun and follow the golden rule.

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