Do you ever get the sense the Universe is winking at you from behind a veil of illusion or simulation? You’re probably right. Except the Universe is the illusion and it cannot wink.
My aunt found this Bible at her house and brought it to me the other day. It was given to me the day I was saved, June 13, 1986 at vacation Bible school. I was staying at her house at the time with my mom and two younger sisters after my parents’ divorce. I was 8 years old.
Later, I spent a lot of years as a professed agnostic, because I felt like it was the only logically defensible position to have in life, but I was forgetting the immutable axiom that no position which assumes the power of the human mind to discern Truth is ever truly safe or logical. We all need God in our lives. I’m just glad to be reminded of this again.
Hope y’all are having the kind of day that reminds you how lucky you are to be a part of Creation…perhaps even in spite of yourselves.
Here are some unused outtakes from my recent video. This is me jamming to see what comes out, while in the process of writing the demo piece at the end of the video. At one point, I did use a section of this jam as the intro of the demo, but unfortunately my AT4040 mic into the interface malfunctioned and rendered most of that stuff unusable in the end. This is just what was picked up by the onboard camera mic. Some of it was actually pretty decent. I felt inspired anyway. When I feel like I'm jelling with an instrument or amp or whatever, I like to just let the camera and mics roll and see if anything is worth keeping. Sometimes magic happens, sometimes nothing seems to be worth a single solitary shit. Most of the time, it's a mixed bag. It's funny listening back to stuff like this as the guy who did it, I can always predict where I'm probably about to go with it, even if I don't remember specifically anything I played. Funny how the mind works like that. As for the onboard camera ...
Here's the video of Routh's collected tweets if you'd like to comb through them.
I'm sure everyone has by now seen that explosion in the Oval Office today between POTUS and Zelenskyy. Well, I'm certainly no fan of Marco Rubio. I think he's a neo-con and a RINO underneath his newfound MAGA cloak, but I have to admit, he is ON POINT in this interview. He made mincemeat out of this warmongering, airhead woman. And to all my friends...there might be legitimate complaints here and there with President Trump and how he handles things, but this isn't one of them. The man is trying to negotiate a peace and keep the world out of a major World War, or at the very least, keep us out of a protracted regional quagmire which could cost trillions like Iraq and Afghanistan before it. The left, particularly, needs to find its anti-war roots and listen to when this man is saying, rather than prejudging everything with the limited information supplied to you by media outlets which have been proven to have been on the deep state payroll. Zelenskyy's argument has been that they tried a ...