The Guitologist
Music • Science & Tech • Education
If you're a fan of my YouTube channel "The Guitologist" this is the place to reach me, support the channel, and just hang out with like-minded guitarists who love freedom and hate wussies.
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Troubleshooting My New TEMU Mixer
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Thanks Farmer Dan!

Thanks to Farmer Dan for sending me this video playing the Electra he bought from me that was the subject of one of my videos. It's cool seeing something I worked hard on getting played and enjoyed by somebody else. Always a great feeling. Thanks, Dan!

Rare Hammond Organ at Goodwill

Saw this at Goodwill recently and had never seen one like it before. Solid state, sure, but interesting? Yes!


My daughter Ivy is super creative. She built this "hugbot" all on her own and it's been sitting in my living area for a while now and I was going to disassemble it and throw the boxes away, but I thought before I do that, let's make a film! 😀

New Computer on the Way! Thanks for Making it Possible!

I am placing a hold on new videos until this new computer arrives. The goal is for all videos going forward on YouTube will have a 4K option. My issue has been anything beyond 1080p FULL HD bogs down my system and it's impossible to edit. Even the 1080p stuff is so slow that something just had to give.

I've been slogging along on machines that were made for internet surfing, not professional video production. The catalyst was buying a new 4K action camera and deciding to shoot in 4K at the recent Dallas Guitar Show. While I had 4K capability all along with my Sony AX53, which I used over the bench, I didn't see a need to shoot in 4K for amp repairs. It just didn't seem worth the additional time and disk space. Plus, 1080p always looked pretty great to me, especially on the devices most people watch on, like phones.

Deciding to shoot all that video in 4K was an attempt to see how good the camera could be at full capability. Little did I know, when trying to compress that video down to ...

post photo preview
Spending Money is Painful but Necessary

Just dropped $2100 on a new camera and laptop for editing video. Look for the video quality and hopefully post frequency to improve! It takes so long to edit on my current machine, it's become a painful experience, and it's costing me money by slowing me down. So it was time to bite the bullet. You other members who do YouTube video, what equipment are you rocking? What editing machines, software, and cameras are you using? Curious to know.

New Video Premiere Now!!!
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